Dialogue: d93-26.2
  Number of utterances files: 64
  Length of dialogue: 223.120158
  utt1  : s:  hello can I help you 
  utt2  : u:  um  yes how long would it take  to  take one tanker  
              from  Corning  to Elmira 
  utt3  : s:  it would take  two hours 
  utt4  : u:  and so I'd assume it would take the same  amount back   
  utt5  : s:  that's true 
  utt6  : u:  alright  um    so if I take one tanker from  
              of oranges  full of oranges  can I do that 
  utt7  : s:  no you can not 
  utt8  : u:  we'll only take boxcars t-  alright  
              if I drive one boxcar from Bath to Corning how long will that take 
  utt9  : s:  uh would take two hours  + assuming + you have an engine at Bath 
  utt10 : u:  + okay + 
  utt11 :     at  oh I need an engine there +  + 
  utt12 : s:  + yep  boxcars + don't travel by themselves 
  utt13 : u:  okay   alright if I take an engine   
              from  Avon to Bath  engine E one how long will that take 
  utt14 : s:    four hours 
  utt15 : u:  mm    okay  four hours from Avon to Bath 
  utt16 :     and then  I guess attach that to the boxcar  
              to Corning it's four hours  and how long is it two hours 
              from Bath to Corning 
  utt17 : s:  that's correct 
  utt18 : u:  six hours  okay take a boxcar  
              how long would it take to load up  the oranges 
  utt19 : s:  an hour 
  utt20 : u:  an hour so that's  seven 
  utt21 :     um   and then take  
              the boxcar from Corning to Elmira  
               and that would take two hours 
  utt22 : s:  that's correct 
  utt23 : u:  that's nine  um 
  utt24 :     okay  and how long to make orange juice with a boxcar 
  utt25 : s:  it would take one hour to  
              unload the oranges and another hour to  
              manufacture the orange juice however we'll have to have a tanker there 
              so I'm assuming you'll also be taking a tanker from + Corning + 
  utt26 : u:  + oh +  okay  take a tanker there  uh-hm 
  utt27 :     okay so it's two a-  hours  and then  um  
              put the  O-  orange juice on the tanker 
  utt28 :     um  back  to  Corning  that would be another  two hours 
  utt29 : s:   that's correct 
  utt30 : u:  so that's 
  utt31 : s:  loading the orange  juice  will take another hour  
              uh plus two hours to go to Corning 
  utt32 : u:  hm 
  utt33 :     and  from  say from Corning  
              to Dansville how long would that take  
              for it to take the two tank- tank- can it take the tanker there 
  utt34 :     + can + 
  utt35 : s:  +   u- + 
  utt36 :     there's a tanker  now at Corning  
              and then you want to go to Dansville will take one more hour 
  utt37 : u:  and from Dansville to Avon 
  utt38 : s:  three hours 
  utt39 : u:  are you keeping track  do you know how many hours are left 
  utt40 : s:  uh the total of nineteen hours 
  utt41 : u:  oh that wouldn't work apparently    wait wait  
              let's see maybe it would  yeah it would  
              + right + nineteen hours did you say 
  utt42 : s:  + w- + 
  utt43 :     yes what is your deadline 
  utt44 : u:  ah  three p.m.  that's not gonna work 
  utt45 :     alright  um    if I take  
              alright if I take the engine  and a boxcar  from Elmira 
  utt46 : s:  yes 
  utt47 : u:  uh I just use it  engine  
              engine two and a boxcar from Elmira to Corning how long will that take 
  utt48 : s:  that would take two hours 
  utt49 : u:  and loading up  a boxcar of oranges  at  Corning 
  utt50 : s:  right  you're now at three hours 
  utt51 : u:  three hours  and going back  to  
              Elmira would is two hours 
  utt52 : s:  correct  I assume you're taking a tanker again 
  utt53 : u:  um  yeah  taking a tanker  then  
              making the orange juice 
  utt54 : s:  right unloading the oranges making the orange J and loading the tanker 
              is a total of three hours 
  utt55 : u:  and then taking  the tanker back  um to Corning 
  utt56 : s:  yes   you're now at ten hours 
  utt57 : u:  back  to Dansville 
  utt58 : s:  eleven hours 
  utt59 : u:  and  back  to Avon 
  utt60 : s:  uh fourteen hours 
  utt61 : u:  so that  should work 
  utt62 : s:  that's correct your deadline would have been fifteen hours 
  utt63 : u:  okay  so that's  the plan  
  utt64 : s:  we will execute it