Dialogue: d92-1 Number of utterances files: 54 Length of dialogue: 189.448858 Estimated number of turns: 32 utt1 : s: hello can I help you utt2 : u: yeah I want t- I want to determine the maximum number of boxcars of oranges that I can get to Bath by seven a.m. tomorrow morning utt3 : so hm so I guess all the boxcars will have to go through oran- through Corning because that's where the orange juice orange factory is utt4 : so from Corning to Bath how far is that utt5 : s: two hours utt6 : u: and it's gonna take us also an hour to load boxcars right utt7 : s: right + + utt8 : u: + okay + so hm so every trip will take at least three hours then utt9 : um utt10 : s: right we can unload any amount of cargo onto a train in one hour utt11 : so we can + do a maximum of three + boxcars in an hour utt12 : u: + right okay + utt13 : okay so I guess one thing we can do oh so I guess one thing is that we should see how many boxcars we can actually get to Corning in four hours utt14 : um how far is it from Avon to Bath to Corning utt15 : s: that's six hours it's + shorter + through Dansville utt16 : u: + okay + utt17 : from Avon oh no but the thing is is that I was thinking if s- I was wondering if we could actually pick up those two boxcars which are at + Bath + utt18 : s: + mm + utt19 : u: but I think that we can't even put them in to that they won't even come in to play utt20 : unless how far is it from Elmira to Bath utt21 : s: two hours utt22 : u: oh really so then w- we could actually take like engine E two utt23 : have it go to bath pick up those two box cars there utt24 : take it to Corn- how long from Bath to Corning an hour I guess utt25 : s: two hours utt26 : u: oh wait a second I thought well from from like Elmira through to Corning to Bath is how many hours utt27 : s: four hours + + utt28 : u: + oh + that's four hours so wa- we're like screwed as far as tho- those two box cars at Bath go utt29 : like I don- I don't think we s- so to get the maximum number of box cars of oranges to bath by seven am I don't think we can even use those two at bath utt30 : because there we because we can't get an engine to Bath in time utt31 : s: that's right utt32 : u: okay so we have the three boxcars at Dansville utt33 : so how far is it from Avon to Danville utt34 : s: three hours utt35 : u: three hours then from Dansville to Corning utt36 : s: one hour utt37 : u: okay so we we can actually use those three boxcars right utt38 : s: mm-hm utt39 : u: okay so that's three boxcars utt40 : okay so that's engine E one utt41 : from Avon going to Dansville pick up the three boxcars utt42 : go to Corning load them up and then take it to Bath utt43 : okay so that's good utt44 : so then I guess we can also take like engine E two with those two boxcars from Elmira utt45 : take it to Corning utt46 : so Elmira to Corning is two hours utt47 : s: mm-hm utt48 : u: okay and okay so yeah that that should also work utt49 : s: mm-hm utt50 : u: so le- so did you wanna repeat that plan utt51 : s: okay engine E one goes to Dansville picks up three boxcars utt52 : goes to Corning is loaded with oranges and goes to Bath utt53 : engine E two picks takes the two boxcars at Elmira to Corning where they're loaded with oranges and then takes them to Bath utt54 : u: okay so that gives us a maximum number of five okay