It has a simple format. Bots and items may be spawned and thesholds set in any order. You can also spawn items into your world from the console.
[item name] [x] [y] [z]
Where [item name] is one of BOX, TOFU, BATTERY, GOLD, DATA, KRYPTONITE, HEAD and [x] etc are strings to be interpreted as numbers giving (x,y,z) absolute Quake coordinates. Now this means you need a map of the space you want to work in so you'll have a picture of where things are, and so you won't spawn things inside walls, etc.
With no configuration file you get the standard items the game spawns.
Upon each new connection to the game, the next quagent mentioned in the config file is spawned. After working through the config file, a default "Mitsu" bot is spawned for each new connection. At most 100 bots can be spawned.
Different bots have [Botname]s: Mitsu, Chris, Michael, Dana, Sandhya, Lane, Randal. They look different and move at different speeds.
For each bot you want to spawn, write the text
quagent { (TYPE [Botname])? ([variable] [value])* }
Here the ? means this line may appear once or zero times, the * that there can be zero or more lines of variable settings. If TYPE is not specified, you get Mitsu. Likewise there are defaults for all the following bot-specific [variable]s. (See the Quagent Overview document.)
[variable] is one of LIFETIME, INITIALWISDOM, INITIALENERGY, INITIALWEALTH, INITIALHEALTH, ENERGYLOWTHRESHOLD, AGEHIGHTHRESHOLD, for which [value] is a string to be interpreted as a number.
An important difference is the following varialble, whose [value] is really three three strings giving the (x,y,z) spawning location of the bot.
By default, if no initial location is given, the bot is spawned 60 units dead ahead of the first-person client.
With no configuration file a Mitsu bot is spawned in a default room (in fact
the first room in the game) at a default spot with default values.
Example quagent.config