Rebels may fight for autonomy.Logical formLearned from354 sentences. Persons may fight an attempt.Logical formLearned from350 sentences. A female may fight ideas.Logical formLearned from346 sentences. Battles may be fought.Logical formLearned from341 sentences. Wars may be fought.Logical formLearned from340 sentences. Men may fight.Logical formLearned from331 sentences. Persons may fight a lot.Logical formLearned from310 sentences. Some countries may fight a war.Logical formLearned from307 sentences. Rebels may fight for a homeland.Logical formLearned from305 sentences. A female may fight a male.Logical formLearned from301 sentences. A war may be fought.Logical formLearned from297 sentences. A person may fight for a homeland.Logical formLearned from295 sentences. Persons may fight to an end.Logical formLearned from290 sentences. Cooperation can be in fighting terrorism.Logical formLearned from286 sentences. A person may fight in a country.Logical formLearned from285 sentences.