Studies may pertain-to a philosopher.Logical formLearned from70 sentences. A philosopher can be a thinker.Logical formLearned from70 sentences. Numbers may pertain-to a philosopher.Logical formLearned from69 sentences. Philosophers can be constituted-of-or-filled-with religion.Logical formLearned from69 sentences. A decimal may pertain-to a philosopher.Logical formLearned from69 sentences. Friends may pertain-to a philosopher.Logical formLearned from69 sentences. A world may pertain-to a philosopher.Logical formLearned from69 sentences. A philosopher may pertain-to a century.Logical formLearned from68 sentences. A philosopher may propose.Logical formLearned from68 sentences. A male may meet a philosopher.Logical formLearned from68 sentences. A school may pertain-to a philosopher.Logical formLearned from67 sentences. A proposition may pertain-to a philosopher.Logical formLearned from67 sentences. A body may pertain-to a philosopher.Logical formLearned from67 sentences. Philosophers may pertain-to a language.Logical formLearned from67 sentences. Paradoxes may pertain-to a philosopher.Logical formLearned from67 sentences.