Annotation -- Speaker -- Id-Role |
primary track
This layer identifies the roles that go with and link to objects or actions. If there is a role relation between to objects one of them is the anchor and the other is the role value. To know which one is which, one can say "the role of [something] is [that]". Then [something] is the anchor, and [that] is the role value. Id-role has the following three attributes: Anchor (link to object or action whose role we are attaching); Role Relation (obj, src, destination ... all semantic roles); Role Value (appropiate value);
Attributes | ||
ReciprocalLink() |
Anchor | The anchor can be on the Object, Domain Action, or Actor Layer. For instance, when describing the final location for a move action. The action entry is the anchor. The value is the location entry. If we are describing the location of an object, the object itself is the anchor (the article 'the' for instance). |
ValueSet "Roles" (17 tokens) |
Role Relation | This identifies the role being instatiated by the role value. |
MultiLink |
Role Value | Roles value fills the role relation of the anchor. E.g. "Blue" is the value of the "color" role of some object or action. |
Boolean |
Simultaneous | If this option is checked, the begining and end of the simultaneous label group are the same for all labels in the group. This is these labels are simultaneous. The first label of the group should be unmarked, and all following in the group should be marked. |
Attribute Values |
The anchor can be on the Object, Domain Action, or Actor Layer. For instance, when describing the final location for a move action. The action entry is the anchor. The value is the location entry. If we are describing the location of an object, the object itself is the anchor (the article 'the' for instance).
This identifies the role being instatiated by the role value.
Part of | Use when there is an object part of another object, for example "corner of triangle", also when speaker refers to triangle and/or pole (part) of a flag. | |
Ending condition | Example: "rotate it so that the star is on the right". There are clauses that determine a semantic role for an action. In this case, the final angle for the rotate action. "rotate to where the right angle is on top". In here "so that" or "to where" is the anchor for the upcoming clause annotated on the object layer (anchor type: clause modifier). | |
Clause Modifier | This role identifies two things, the qualified phrase (i.e. "*the* box" where *the* is the anchor) and the qualifying clause (i.e. "the box *that* you put ..." where *that* is the value). | |
Content | This role identifies the content of the relative clause (i.e. the action of the relative clause) and links it to the relative clause anchor (i.e. "the box *that* you put" ). It is also used to mark Continue Content actions (i.e. the action that is requested to be continued). | |
Object Type | This role is used to identify the type of object being described. In the sentence "it is a diamond" we annotate an id-role under diamond where it links "diamond" as the object type of "it". | |
Object Referent | This id-role links the unique-id, value, on the atomic layer with a referential expression, anchor, on the object layer. | |
Size | This identifies the Size | |
Decoration | This identifies the type of Decoration | |
Ground | This id-role links an location entry, anchor, to its ground on the object layer, value. In the sentence "in central park", "in" has an entry "inside" on location layer. This is the anchor of id-role ground. "central park" has an entry on the object layer as "name". This is the value of the id-role ground. As another example, if a pen is under the table, the ground for "under" is the table. The anchor for ground relation is "under", and "the table" is the value of the ground role. | |
Agent | This role identifies the agent (value), or executor of an action (anchor) | |
Theme | This role is used to identify the action's direct object. The action is the anchor and the object, on the object layer, is the value. It should also be used to link an action as direct object of Continue or Stop. | |
Location | This identifies various locations when describing an action (i.e., move), object location, and decoration location. In the case of a Move, the anchor of the id-role location is the Move action. The value is the location entry. In the case of an object location, the anchor is the entry on the object layer, and the value is on the location layer. Similarly for a decoration location description. | |
Distance | This identifies the Distance | |
Heading | This identifies the Heading (i.e. clockwise, counterclockwise) | |
Source | This identifies the source from which an object is taken. | |
Color | This identifies the Color | |
Other | please describe in comments. |
Roles value fills the role relation of the anchor. E.g. "Blue" is the value of the "color" role of some object or action.
If this option is checked, the begining and end of the simultaneous label group are the same for all labels in the group. This is these labels are simultaneous. The first label of the group should be unmarked, and all following in the group should be marked.
Annotation -- Speaker -- Id-Role |