This directory contains lecture notes for CSC 2/454. At the beginning of the semester it will contain the versions used the last time I taught the course. I will update these as the semester progresses. I will try to remember to include this year's date on the top line of each updated file. I provide these notes with some hesitation. My concern is that they are meant primarily for me to lecture from, not for students to read. I don't spell everything out clearly. I include notes to myself. I often include material that I don't get around to talking about. I sometimes talk about things that aren't in the notes. I sometimes make mistakes in the notes that I correct on the fly in class. At the same time Some of you can't help being absent from time to time. The notes emphasize the material that is likely to be on the exams. If you have an outline already you may be able to get more out of lecture. Therefore, PLEASE treat the notes as if they came with a typical open source license: This stuff is made available in the hope that somebody will find it useful. No guarantee is made, however, that it is good for anything in particular. Use at your own risk.