Final Project
The final project will give you a lot of flexibility to design a really cool web application in your scrum team.
Date | Time | Resources | Due |
Feb 27 | Noon | Project Proposal | |
Mar 17 | Noon | Description of Pages and Navigation | |
Mar 24 | Noon | Design and list of tasks | |
Apr 28 | Noon | Class Presentation | |
Apr 29 | Noon | Code in Master Branch | Code Review |
Apr 30 | Cancelled | A form will be provided here once I create it. | Review on contributions of team members. |
During the rest of the class, we will have periodic check points to make sure everything is working properly. I will add details to the schedule as they come up.
February 26, 2014: Project Proposal
The proposal are all range from good to excellent. I am impress by the work you have done and am looking forward to the results. Many team worked on solutions to problem at UR. This is a great approach since you are experts at problems at UR. You have priviledged perspective on these problems. For those teams who propose general solutions, I recommend thinking about a UR spin of your project.
Project Design
The next task for the team will be to come up with a design and a schedule. The first thing to do is to create a sketch of the design. This sketch will include a list of the pages that comprise the project and the connections between the pages. You will need a discription of what a person does on the page. You do not need a detailed drawing of the page, but a pencil and paper sketch may help.
Once you have an idea of what the web site is going to do, you need to do a design and a backlog. The design has enough information so that you can begin to start working on the project. Your project will follow a three level architecture, which will give you an place to start with the design. From there you should consider the screens at the user interface level, the activities on the business logic level, and the data required at the database level. The design should be sufficiently details let you create a list of things that need to be done. With this list, you can assign people to do the work and keep track that it is getting done.
Final Project Presentations
Each team will be given time to explain what they did and show their prototype. These presentations will take place during the lectures in the last week of class.
Team Evaluation
Cancelled: I think I have a good feeling for those who have been participating with the group through the weekly demos.
Each team member will provide a short description (sentence or two) about what each person on their team contribute (including themselves). It is expected that this will only affect the final grade in extraordinary cases.
While the focus and content is largely up to you (although it must be accessible), you will be required to include at least 5 of the following 10 components in your project. You can choose to include more, but you'll be graded on the 5 that you choose and the overall quality of the project.
- Use a Server-Side Framework - use a technology other than HTML/CSS on the server.
- Database - use a database to store and retrieve information.
- AJAX - use AJAX to turn your web pages into dynamic web applications.
- Web Service - use an external web service, mashed up with your own application to create something even better.
- Multimedia - integrate sound or video into your web application to make a richer experience (no, embedding a YouTube video of Rick Astley doesn't count).
- Make an API - make an API so that other developers can use your web site as a service empowering even cooler web creations.
- Design & Evaluate - think carefully about how users will use your site, design a great interface, and evaluate it with real people.
- Accessibility - all projects should be designed in an accessible way, but be particularly clever in exposing information or resources in an inclusive way to count this component.
- Go Mobile - create a version of your project designed to go mobile.
- Server-Side Processing - do processing on the server to prepare for user requests in advance.