The professors Hemaspaandra
(Lane of URCS, left;
Edith of RIT-CS, right), on their 41st Adirondack mountaintop,
demonstrating the power of nonunary encodings
Lane A. Hemaspaandra
Note: Pre-marriage name = Lane A. Hemachandra.
Computer Science Department
Box 270226
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627-0226
Email: ID = lane.hemaspaandra
Phone: Please use email (we no longer have office phones).
My full publications list (without online links to the papers)
as pdf.
Almost all
the papers on my publication list
can be found as online pdf documents
in their technical report versions, but where to look for
them depends on their year:
Spring 2025 Term: CSC 285/485: Gems of Algorithms and Elections (the course
is based inside Blackboard).
Spring 2025 Term: CSC 286/486: Computational Complexity
(the course
is based inside Blackboard but its day-by-day log and some other
info and links are based
on this web page).
Lane and his wife Edith have climbed the 115 major peaks of
the Northeastern USA, and so are in the (poorly named as to the number) Northeast 111
Club. Basically as a corollary, they
are also
Adirondack 46ers
and are in the
AMC White Mountain Four Thousand Footers
and the
AMC New England Four Thousand Footers Club.
Posters describing research done by the Lane and his students/collaborators:
Control in the Presence of Manipulators: Cooperative and Competitive Cases:
view it
as pdf.
Schulze and Ranked-Pairs Voting Are
Fixed-Parameter Tractable to Bribe,
Manipulate, and Control:
view it
as pdf.
Control Complexity of Schulze Voting:
view it
as pdf.
The Complexity of Bribery in Elections: view it
as powerpoint.
Guarantees for the Success Frequency of an Algorithm
for Finding Dodgson-Election Winners: view it
as powerpoint.
Politics Good, Computation Bad
(by Chris Homan about our group's Power Index work): view it
as pdf.
One-Way Functions and Cryptography: view it
as powerpoint.
Rice-Style Theorems in Complexity Theory: view it
as powerpoint.
Here are two videos made by Lane for our graduate-student
recruiting days:
A 12-minute video (in .m4v format) from 2010
case it below doesn't have the video ready to roll but rather says
that this video is not supported in your browser---I've tested it just on Safari and Firefox and it seems ok in both for me---here is the video as an
.m4v download):
A 3-minute video (in .m4v format) from 2016 of Lane proving---very quickly as this was during a "2-Minute Madness" session in which each speaker got only 2 minutes in which to speak---a special case of a theorem from his 1989 Information and Computation paper with Jin-Yi Cai, namely, proving that if there is a polynomial-time function that given any Boolean formula outputs a list of two values one of which is its number of satisfying assignments, then #SAT itself is outright in polynomial time:
slides from Lane's Talk on Lewis Carroll's 1876 Election System
presentation (powerpoint) made by Christopher Homan on his paper with Lane on Heuristics for Lewis Carroll's 1876 Election System
presentation made by Christopher Homan about the paper
"Power Balance and Apportionment Algorithms for the United States Congress,"
L. Hemaspaandra, K. Rajasethupathy,
P. Sethupathy, and M. Zimand,
ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics,
V. 3,
#1, August 1998.