I am a Ph.D. student at University of Rochester, advised by Prof. Sandhya Dwarkadas.

I enjoy system building/hacking to address new chanllenges. My previous projects involve Linux kernel, binary translation and secure data streaming on edge platforms.

I also hack hardware for research purposes. My favorite editor is Emacs.

Find me on and .

CSC400 Proposal


  1. [ATC’19] Transkernel: Bridging Monolithic Kernels to Peripheral Cores
    Liwei Guo, Shuang Zhai, Yi Qiao, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2019.

  2. [ATC’19] StreamBox-TZ: Secure Stream Analytics at the Edge with TrustZone
    Heejin Park, Shuang Zhai, Long Lu, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2019

  3. [HotMobile’17] Decelerating Suspend and Resume in Operating Systems
    Shuang Zhai, Liwei Guo, Xiangyu Li, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. ACM Int. Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, 2017.
    [Slides] [Poster]

  4. Decelerating I/O Power Management
    Shuang Zhai and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Symposium, 2016. Paper 130.