PLP 2e cover

PLP 2e Errata

As of January 2008 Programming Language Pragmatics is in the third printing of its second edition.  To tell which printing you have, check the copyright page.  Right above the box at the bottom of the page there is a line of numbers.  If the last number is a 1 you have the first printing.  If the last number is a 2 you have the second printing.  If the last number is a 3 you have the third printing.

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First, second, and third printing

Main book


First and second printing only

Main book


First printing only

Main book


Thanks to Steven Alexander, Gerald Baumgartner, Yi Dai, Eileen Head, Nathan Hoot, Kelly Jones, Peter Ketcham, Eleazar Enrique Leal, Antonio Leitao, Annie Liu, Nuno Lopes, Dan Mullowney, Arthur Nunes-Harwitt, Zongyan Qiu, Harsh Raju, David Sattari, Ray Toal, Garrett Wollman, and Jingguo Yao for their help in catching these mistakes.

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Last Change: 26 April 2010 / Michael Scott's email address