Shell Command Cheatsheet

Here is a brief list of bash commands, together with other command-line tools.

Please get familiar with them -- they can be super useful in linux/unix(mac OS). I'm not going into the details, or it'll can be a book of hundreds of pages.

I use '$' as the prompt (the existing string command lines before you type), so lines beginning with '$' are inputs, others are outputs. Don't type the leading '$''s in your commands.

I use '#' to start comments. Parts beginning with '#' is not a parts of commands.

In usage's, I use <something> as mandatory fields, [something_else] as optional fields.



navigation (examples in this section are continuous):

file operations:

archive and compressing:

Wildcard - simple pattern matching

Composing commands:

Please come to my office hour or email me with any questions. ps. If you want to do something fancier with shell, google it! (or check up the man page!)


Have fun!
