WFDF Official Rules of Flying Disc Sports
Article II - Double Disc Court
Copyright (c) 1994, WFDF
Last Change: 20 Jul 1994
Comment: Double disc court is a game played by two teams of two
players each. Each team is charged with defending a court from the
attack of the opponents. The attacks are made in two ways: by the
throwing of one of two discs in play into the opponents' court in an
attempt to have the disc come to rest within that court without ever
having touched out-of-bounds, or by causing both discs to be touched
by a player or players on the opposing team at the same time. A team
scores a point whenever they make a successful attack or whenever an
opponent throws a disc out-of-bounds. The first team to score the
requisite number of points as determined by the competitive format
shall win the game.
The purpose of the following rules is to provide a guideline which
describes the way the game is played. Disc sports have traditionally
relied on a spirit of sportsmanship which places the responsibility
for fair play on the players themselves. Highly competitive play is
encouraged, but never at the expense of the bond of mutual respect
between players, adherence to the agreed upon rules of the game, or
the basic enjoyment of play. Protection of these vital elements serves
to eliminate adverse conduct from the playing field. Such actions as
taunting the opposing players, dangerous aggression, intentional
violation of the rules, or other "win-at-all-costs" behavior are
contrary to the spirit of the game and must be avoided by all players.
Violations which compromise this understanding may result in penalties
or disqualification by the tournament director.
Outline of Contents
201. Interpretation
The ultimate interpretation of the letter and spirit of this document
shall be the responsibility of the tournament director and/or the head
judge of the event.
202. Field of Play
- 202.01. Dimensions:
- The double disc court shall consist of two square areas measuring
13 m per side known as courts, which are set 17 m apart. The minimum
distance between neighboring courts shall be 5 m. Spectators shall not
be positioned closer than 2 m to a court, with 5 m suggested if
possible (see Figure 2.1).
- 202.02. Surface:
- The double disc court may have any surface (well-trimmed grass is
recommended) which is essentially flat, free of obstructions and
holes, and affords reasonable player safety.
- 202.03. Boundary Lines:
- The boundary lines shall lie flat on the surface and mark the area
of each court. The boundary lines are not part of the courts, they are
out-of-bounds. The boundary lines shall be marked with a cord having a
diameter not larger than 10 mm nor smaller than 5 mm.
- 202.04. Corner Markers:
- The corners of the courts shall be marked with cones made of a
brightly-colored flexible material. The cones shall not be larger than
13 cm nor smaller than 9 cm in height and width. The corner markers
shall be centered on the corners of the courts and are considered
203. Discs
- A.
- Any flying discs meeting WFDF specifications set forth in Article I may be used as long as they meet the specific
requirements of 203 B and are acceptable to both
- B. Special Restrictions:
- For game design and safety considerations, discs in play must meet
both the W.F.D.F. general disc specifications (section
107) and these additional specifications:
- (1) Rim configuration:
- must achieve a rim configuration rating of 75 or greater (may not
be bevelled - see section 108[D]).
- (2) Weight:
- must weigh no more than 6.7 gm per cm of outside diameter.
- (3) Rigidity:
- must be sufficiently flexible to bend to the point of buckling
when subjected to no more than 9.1 kg (20 lb) of weight in a standard
testing procedure (see section 108[F]).
- C.
- If teams cannot agree, the official discs for play will be two
orange 23A or 23B mold Frisbee brand discs weighing approximately 110
- D.
- If the teams cannot agree upon two specific official discs for
play as described in 203 C, two options are
- (1)
- each team shall supply one official disc for play of the match;
- (2)
- if that solution is not acceptable to both teams they shall
resolve the disagreement through the disc flipping method set forth in
104.03 of the WFDF rules. The team winning the
flip shall then supply both official discs for the match.
204. Rules of Play
- 204.01. Procedures of Play:
- A. Preliminary Considerations:
- Prior to the start of play, the teams shall resolve the
preliminary considerations through the disc flipping method (104.03). The team winning the flip shall have its
choice on one of the three options for the first exchange of the
- (1)
- which court they will defend; or,
- (2)
- which team shall initiate; or,
- (3)
- which team shall declare its server.
The team losing the flip shall then have its choice on one of the two
remaining options, leaving the final option to the team winning the
- B. Readiness:
- Each team shall prepare for the commencement of play by standing
within the court it shall defend. A player on each team shall be in
possession of a disc and prepared to serve it. The server of the
initiation team must establish and maintain a position in the court
during the 3 seconds prior to the beginning of the serving call. After
the beginning of the serving call, that player and all others may move
as they wish. Serves must be made from within the court.
- C. Service:
- Upon a serving call from the non-serving member of the initiation
team, play begins by a player from each team throwing simultaneously.
Players on a team must alternate serves. The serving call shall be a
count of, "Ready, Two, One, Throw". There shall be equal time
intervals between each word in the count. The total time of the count
shall not be shorter than 2 seconds nor longer than 3.5 seconds.
Servers must throw on the word "Throw". Immediately prior to the
serving call, the player making the call shall announce the current
game score, giving the initiation team's score first.
- D. Incorrect Service:
- If an incorrect serving call is given, the non-initiation team may
call, "Bad call". If a server throws early, the opponents may call,
"Early". If a server throws late, the opponents may call, "Late". To
be valid, these calls must be made immediately. The team making the
call then may either take any points they have scored on the service,
replay the service or if the service resulted in both discs being
caught, they may play on after all players are ready. See section 207 for the definition of the "play on"
- E. Incorrect Servers:
- If any player realizes that a service took place using incorrect
servers, he must call, "Wrong servers" immediately. If the call is
made before either: a serve touches the ground, or before a subsequent
throw in the exchange: the service must be redone correctly regardless
of the outcome of the service. Otherwise, play continues to the
conclusion of the exchange with points scored being duly awarded.
Regardless, the next service in the match shall return to the correct
serving combination.
- F. Initiation:
- The initiation on the first exchange of a game shall be determined
as per section 204.01(A). On subsequent exchanges
and replays in a game, the initiation team shall be the team having
won the previous point. In matches of more than one game, the
initiation team on the first exchange of each new game shall be the
team having won the previous game.
- G. Serving Combinations:
- The serving combinations for the first game of a match shall be
determined as per section 204.01 (A). In
matches of more than one game, the serving combinations shall
alternate from one game to the next; i.e., if player A of team A/B and
player C of team C/D were a serving combination in the first game,
player A should serve against player D and player B should serve
against player C in the second game. In the first exchange after any
alternation of serving combinations, the initiation team declares its
- H. Court Switches:
- During a game, teams shall switch courts after every five points
total are accumulated. In matches of more than one game, the team
losing the previous game has its choice of court for the next game in
the match.
- I. Time Outs:
- Time out periods shall be 1 minute in duration and may be called
by either team between exchanges. Each team is permitted 1 time out
per game.
- J. Pace of Play:
- After the end of an exchange and determination of points, teams
shall retrieve their discs without delay and prepare to serve. The
initiation team must begin the serving call within 10 seconds after
all players are ready. Breaks between games in a match shall not
exceed 3 minutes in duration. Breaks between scheduled matches in a
round shall not exceed 5 minutes in duration. These time limits are to
serve as general guidelines for the normal pace of play. Special
situations such as weather conditions may require consideration.
- 204.02 Play:
- A. General Procedure:
- Both discs shall be used during the exchange. Play is accomplished
- (1)
- the players attempting to throw a disc into the opponents' court
such that it lands with a legal angle and stops without ever having
touched out-of-bounds; or,
- (2)
- the players attempting to cause both discs to be touched
simultaneously by a player or players on the opposing team.
Play continues until a disc touches out-of-bounds, stops dead in the
court, or until both discs are touched simultaneously by a player or
players on one team. If a disc touches the ground inside the court and
is then touched by a player prior to the point being determined, the
point is scored for the opponent.
- B. The Impasse:
- When ever during an exchange a player on each team holds a disc an
impasse occurs. It is the responsibility of the initiation team to
throw within 4 seconds of the time the impasse occurred, unless their
opponents choose to break the impasse by throwing. If the initiation
team fails to initiate correctly, the opponents may call,
"Stalling".See section 204.07 for the call procedure.
- C. Deformation:
- When a court or disc is deformed during the exchange, either team
may call, "Court" or, "Disc" to request that the court be restored to
its official shape, or the disc be replaced at the next impasse. After
restoration or replacement, play may continue with all players ready
and in their respective court positions which they held at the
impasse. See section 207 for the definition of the
"play on" procedure.
- D. Interference:
- Should a disc or player be interfered with by the actions of an
outside agent, such as a spectator or animal, a replay of the exchange
will be allowed if it is determined that play was altered by the
- E. Coaching:
- Coaching of players shall not be permitted during the exchange.
Other coaching is permitted provided the pace-of-play rules are not
- 204.03 Throwing:
- A. Court Position:
- A player's court position is a 1 m diameter circle centered
directly under the center of his hips. Court position is established
at the coincidence of a catch and contact with the ground. Should the
disc be caught out-of-bounds, the court position is centered at the
nearest point inside the court from the point where it was caught. If
momentum carries a player closer to the opponents court after a catch
and ground contact, the player must back-step the forward distance
gained in order to establish a court position. If momentum carries a
player in any direction not closer to the opponents court, the court
position will be established where the player stops. A player moving
laterally or toward the rear of the court while making a catch, may
throw before establishing a court position only if the throw is made
prior to the player making 3 ground contacts after the catch.
Other than the serve, each throw must be made with a supporting
point on the court position or with no part of the thrower in contact
with the ground, in which case the last contact with the ground must
have been at the court position.
- B. Traveling:
- A player has traveled if all contact with the court position is
removed and subsequent ground contact is made elsewhere while still
holding the disc. If a player throws after traveling, the opponents
may call, "Traveling". See section 204.07 for
call procedure.
- C. Line Faults:
- If a thrower is legally on the court position and in contact with
the boundary line during a throw, the opponents may call, "Line
fault". See section 204.07 for call procedure.
- D. Throws from Out-of-Bounds:
- Throws made with a supporting point completely out-of-bounds, or,
from mid-air with the last supporting point contact having been
out-of-bounds, are scored for the opponent.
- E. Landing-Angle Restrictions:
- All throws must strike the ground at an angle of 30 degrees or
less from horizontal except for a throw that rolls away from the
thrower upon initial ground contact and is under 2.5 m as it passes
the opponents' front line.
- When it appears that a disc will hit the ground with illegal
angle, the non-throwing team may call, "Angle". This call must be made
prior to the disc hitting the ground. See section
204.07 for call procedure.
- F. Offensive Interference:
- If a player is hit above the knees by a high velocity shot while
he is in position to play a lead shot, the defending team may call,
"Offensive interference" and a replay is taken. If it is determined
that the defending player intentionally moved into the shot, there is
no replay and the exchange is scored under the usual rules.
- G. Late Throws:
- Competitive throws made after a point has been scored are
considered to be late and may not score for the thrower. However, late
throws shall be scored for the opponents of the throwing team if the
throw goes out-of-bounds.
- 204.04. Catching:
- A. General Procedure:
- A player may use one or both hands to catch a disc. Legal catches
include, in addition to the standard catches, those that are made with
simultaneous contact with the ground or boundary lines, those that are
made with simultaneous contact between teammates, and those that are
made without the use of hands, such as body traps.
- A player may catch a disc that has been tipped or bobbled by his
teammate. A disc caught simultaneously by both players on a team may
be thrown by either player.
- B. Double-Touch:
- If a player or team touches both discs at the same time or uses a
disc in their possession to touch the other disc, a "double-touch" has
been committed. When the attacking team observes what they believe to
be a double-touch by their opponents, they may call, "Two" immediately
after the assumed double. If the defending team agrees with the call,
play stops and 2 points are scored for the attacking team. If the
defending team does not agree, they must call, "No" immediately after
the call of, "Two" and play on without interruption until the next
impasse or undisputed score occurs. At that time players must maintain
their court position and any disputed calls shall be discussed and
determined in the order in which they occurred. If a disputed call is
resolved such that a point or points are scored, the exchange is
ended. If, however, it is determined that none of the disputed calls
result in a point or points scored, then either: any undisputed points
which have been scored are awarded, or play should continue after all
players are ready. See section 207 for the
definition of the "play on" procedure. In games using observers, the
observer for the court is to call, "Double" or, "Clean" immediately
after any disputed call. A confirming call of, "Double" ends the
exchange and a call of, "Clean" indicates that the exchange is not to
be affected by the erroneous double call.
- 204.05. Tipping:
- A. General Procedure:
- Tipping is a standard method of escaping double touch situations
and is usually done with the first disc touched by a team. Except in
escape situations, teams are allowed only one tip. An escape
situation occurs when both discs are thrown at the same court.
Violations of this rule constitute traveling. See section 204.07 for call procedure.
In all non-catching contacts, the disc must be sharply struck.
Tips and air-brushes are legal provided the disc is not held in
prolonged contact or lifted while being touched. Any prolonged contact
with the disc, including a delay or an illegal tip, constitutes a
- B. Two-Handed Tips:
- Two-handed tips and air-brushes must comply with section
204.05(A) and meet the additional restriction
that no pair of opposite sides of the disc are touched simultaneously.
- 204.06. Scoring:
- A. General Procedures:
- Whenever a thrown disc comes to rest completely inside the court,
having landed at a legal angle, and having never touched out
of-bounds, a point is scored by the team attacking that court.
Whenever a thrown disc touches any out-of-bounds area, a point is
scored by the opponents of the team that last touched the disc. A disc
which comes to rest inside the court and which is breaking the
vertical plane of the inside edge of the boundary line, but not
touching it, is considered out-of-bounds. A point is scored by the
opposing team whenever, during play:
- (1)
- a thrown disc is touched and dropped by a player;
- (2)
- a player touches his own throw or his teammate's throw;
- (3)
- a player hands the disc to his teammate.
Whenever a player or team touches both discs simultaneously during
play, two points are scored by the opposing team.
- B. The Break:
- Whenever both discs land and the result is a scoring situation
against each team, a break occurs. No points are scored and play is
restarted, using the other serving combination of the game.
- C. Mid-Air Contact:
- If the two discs make mid-air contact at any time, a point will be
scored by the opponents for each disc that lands and stops in a team's
court. If a player or team touches one or two discs after the contact,
which they subsequently fail to catch, their opponents receive a point
for each dropped disc, in or out of the court. After mid-air contact,
no further throws may be made and the landing-angle restriction and
double-touch rules do not apply for the remainder of the exchange. A
replay is taken when no points are scored, or when the result is a
point scored against each team.
- 204.07. Infractions:
- A. General Procedure:
- In order to make a call of an infraction (traveling, line fault,
or stalling), the call must be made during or immediately after the
occurrence. The angle infraction call must be made prior to the disc
hitting the ground. If the team on which the call is made accepts the
call as valid, play stops immediately with any throws made after the
occurrence being of no consequence. The team making the call then may
- (1)
- dismiss the infraction with any points that have been scored in
the exchange being awarded without consideration of an infraction; or,
- (2)
- charge their opponents with an infraction and replay the exchange.
On the third and subsequent instances of a team being charged with any
combination of infractions in a game, the team not committing the
infraction is also awarded one point if they choose the replay option.
- B. Disputed Calls:
- If a player disagrees with an infraction call, that player must
call, "No" immediately following the infraction call and play
continues without interruption until the next impasse or undisputed
score occurs. At that time, players must maintain their court
positions and any disputed calls shall be discussed and determined in
the order in which they occurred. If a call is determined to be valid,
the team making the call then chooses from the options listed under
section 204.07(A). If no calls are determined
to be valid, then either the undisputed points which have been scored
are awarded, or play continues after all players are ready. See
section 207 for the definition of the "play on"
- C. Offsetting Infractions:
- In the event that one or more valid infraction calls are made
against each team during the same exchange, the infractions shall be
considered to offset one another. The exchange is to be replayed with
no infraction being charged to either team.
205. Observers
Observers are to be used for all semi-final and final matches.
Observers may be used for other matches if requested by a team. These
observers should be positioned on opposite sides of the courts, on the
front lines extended, 2 m to 4 m from the court they are observing.
- 205.01.
- Observers shall have the following responsibilities:
- A.
- to keep the score and announce it when players switch courts, or
when requested
- B.
- to announce the time for players to switch courts
- C.
- to keep a tally of all infractions
- D.
- to call line faults
- E.
- to immediately rule on disputed double calls as outlined in
section 204.04(B)
- F.
- Time the breaks between games and the time-outs. Announce when
these time periods have expired.
- G.
- to resolve any disputed calls, when requested by a player
If players on both teams disagree with the observer's call, it may be
overruled, if all players concur. Furthermore, it is expected that
players will voluntarily overrule a call resulting in their favor when
they are certain the call was in error.
206. Tournament Procedures
- 206.01. Late Arrival:
- Should a player or team arrive more than 5 minutes late for the
scheduled start of a game, that team forfeits that game and all games
in the round.
- 206.02. Scratched Games:
- Should a player or team fail to play any game in a round, that
team forfeits all their games in the round, including any that may
have already been played and won by that team.
- 206.03. Suggested Competitive Formats:
- A. Semi-Finals and Finals:
- The semi-finals shall consist of 4 teams. If the 4 teams come from
a single pool, the team which won the previous round chooses their
semi-final opponent from among the other 3 teams. This choice must be
made at least 1 hour prior to the scheduled start of the semifinals.
The 2 teams not chosen shall also play a semi-final match. If the 4
teams come from 2 pools, the winners of each pool play the second
place teams from the other pool. Semi-final matches are to consist of
a best 3 out of 5 games to 15 points, win by 2, with a cap at 21. The
winning team from each match advances to the final, which consists of
a best 3 out of 5 games to 15 points, win by 2, with no cap.
- B. Competitions of 5 to 10 Teams:
- (1) Preliminary Round
- The teams shall be placed in a seeded round-robin pool and shall
complete 1 game to a score of 21 points, win by 2, cap at 25, against
each team. The 4 teams with the best records shall advance to the
semi-final round.
- C. Competitions of 11 to 20 Teams:
- (1) Preliminary Round
- The teams shall be divided into 2 seeded pools for round-robin
play and shall play 1 game to 21 points, win by 2, cap at 25, against
each team. The 2 teams with the best records in each pool shall
advance to the semi-final round.
- D. Competitions of 21 to 50 teams:
- (1) Preliminary Round
- The teams shall be divided into 5 seeded pools of 4 to 10 teams
each, for round-robin play, and shall play 1 game to 15 points, win by
2, cap at 21, against each team. The 2 teams with the best records in
each pool shall advance to the second round.
- (2) Second Round
- The 10 remaining teams shall compete in a round-robin "A" pool
playing 1 game to 21 points, win by 2, cap at 25, against each team.
The 4 teams with the best records shall advance to the semi-final
round. Additionally, the teams that placed 3rd and 4th in the
preliminary round shall compete in a similar round-robin "B" pool to
establish their rank from 11th to 20th.
- E. Competitions of 51 to 100 teams:
- (1) Preliminary Round
- The teams shall be divided into 10 seeded pools of 5 to 10 teams
each for round-robin play, and shall play 1 game to 15 points, win by
2, cap at 21, against each team. The 2 teams with the best records in
each pool shall advance to the second round.
- (2) Second Round
- The winners of the first round pools choose their opponents from
among the second place teams of each pool. The order of choice shall
be determined by the winners' point margin vs. the second place team
in their preliminary pool. No team may play a team that they played in
the preliminary round. The teams shall play 2 out of 3 games to 15,
win by 2, cap at 21. The winners of each match shall advance to the
third round.
- (3) Third Round
- The 10 remaining teams shall compete in a round robin "A" pool
playing 1 game to 21 points, win by 2, cap at 25, against each team.
The 4 teams with the best records shall advance to the semi-final
round. Additionally, the teams that lost their second round matches
shall compete in a similar round-robin "B" pool to establish their
rank from 11th to 20th, and the teams finishing 3rd in the preliminary
pools shall compete in a similar round robin "C" pool to establish
their rank from 21st to 30th.
- 206.04. Tie-Breaking Procedures:
- In round-robin play, ties in which two teams have identical
win/loss records, are broken by virtue of the head-to-head match in
that round. If three or more teams are tied, the following procedures
are used:
- A. Advancement of One Team:
- (1)
- If one of the teams has the best record against the other teams
with whom they are tied in that round, advance that team.
- (2)
- If the tie remains, rank the net point totals of each team from
those games played against the other tied teams, and advance the team
with the best net point total.
- (3)
- If two teams are tied for the best net point total, advance the
team that won the head-to-head match in that round.
- (4)
- If more than two teams are tied for the best net point total,
advance the team with the best point margin vs. the one team in that
round ranked just below the tied teams.
- (5)
- If the tie remains, the disc flipping method (104.03) shall be used to determine the one team
that advances.
- B. Advancement of an Additional Team:
- (1)
- If advancement must be decided between two teams which remain from
a previous three team tie, the head-to-head match in that round shall
be used.
- (2)
- If advancement must be decided between three or more teams which
remain from a previous four or more team tie, advance the team which
has the best record against the other teams with whom they are tied in
that round.
- (3)
- If the tie remains, rank the net point totals of each team from
those games played against the remaining tied teams, and advance the
team with the best net point total.
- (4)
- If the tie remains, advance the team with the best point margin
vs. the one team in that round that ranked just below the tied teams.
- (5)
- If the tie still remains, the disc flipping method (104.03) shall be used to determine the one team
that advances.
207. Glossary
Angle: The angle between the plane of the ground and the plane
of the flight plate of the disc when the disc strikes the ground.
Break: An exchange that has resulted in a point scoring
situation against both teams.
Cap: The point total which, in some games, limits the
obligation to win by a margin of 2 or more points. The first team to
reach the cap score, wins.
Delay: Allowing the disc to spin continuously on one's
fingernail or other body part.
Double-Touch: A player or both players on the same team
touching both discs at the same time.
Escape situation: An escape situation occurs when both discs
are thrown at the same court.
Exchange: One play of double disc court, commencing with the
serve and ending in a circumstance which results in a break, a replay
or one or two points being scored.
Impasse: A situation during an exchange in which a player on
each team is holding a disc.
Initiation: The initiation team for a given exchange is the
team which announces the score, initially establishes server
position, gives the serving call, and has the responsibility to throw
in the event of an impasse during the exchange.
Lead Shot: When two thrown discs are approaching a court, the
disc that was released first is considered the lead shot.
Match: One game or a series of games, depending upon the
competitive format, with a winner being declared.
Net Points: The margin of points by which a team wins or loses
a game.
Play On: When all players appear to be ready, the initiation
team shall ask, "Ready?" and the opponent shall respond with, "Play
on." At that time, an impasse occurs and the usual rules apply.
Replay: A return to the previous serving combination and
initiation with no points being scored on the exchange.
Serve: The first throw in an exchange. Both teams shall serve
Serving Combination: The players, one on each team, who serve
simultaneously to start an exchange.
Serving Call: Signal given to initiate the serve. The call
shall be an even cadence count of, "Ready, two, one, throw".
Supporting Point: The part of a player's body which is
supporting his weight or is in contact with the ground.
Team: Shall consist of two, and only two, players.