Woods Library, Canandaigua (October 2011, thanks to Peter Keng)
2004 Portrait by Yawen Ding |
Ding Email: cding@cs.rochester.edu |
Short Bio
Chen Ding's research seeks to understand the composite and emergent behavior in computer systems especially its dynamic parallelism and data usage and develop software and hardware techniques to reduce the data movement in high-performance computing systems. His work received young investigator awards from NSF and DOE. He co-founded the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Memory System Performance and Correctness (MSPC) and was a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research and a visiting professor at MIT. He teaches compilers, programming languages, and collaborative software design.
Locality theory
Data movement complexity (DMC) [ICS'22, HIPS'21, CnC'21]
Relational theory of locality (RTL), aka, a higher order theory of locality (HOTL) [ISMM'21, MEMSYS'21, CPM'21, TACO'19, MEMSYS'16 (Chen et al.), USENIX'16, JCST'14, tool download, ASPLOS'13 (slides), MSPC'12] and its applications [MEMSYS'16 (Brock et al.), INFLOW'16, USENIX'15, ICPP'15, IJPP'15]
Reference affinity hierarchy [POPL'06, PLDI'04]
Programmable caches
Lease cache [TACO'23, MEMSYS'23, TACO'22, LCTES'22, MEMSYS'20]
Optimal collaborative caching [ISMM'13, ISMM'12, ISMM'11a, LCPC'08]
Locality optimization
Parallel program locality [PACT'24, PPOPP'17]
Program symbiosis in cache [CCGrid'15, CCGrid'12a, PACT'11,PPOPP'11, PPOPP'08 (poster)]
Peer-aware optimization: code [ICPP'14], data [CGO'13 (slides), Bao dissertation ]
Compiler optimization: global cache reuse [ICS'05, JPDC'04, IPDPS'01, IPDPS'00, LCPC'99], dynamic cache reuse [MSP'02, PLDI'99]
A component model of spatial locality [ISMM'09]
Locality phase hierarchy [JPDC'07, ExpCS'07, MSP'05, ASPLOS'04, LCPC'04]
Memory management
A higher order theory of memory demand (HOTM) [ISMM'16 (Li et al.), ISMM'14]
Resource-based memory management [ISMM'11b, ISMM'06]
Parallel programming
BOP: Parallel programming by hints [OOPSLA'11,PPoPP'11 poster,TR952,TR948, PPoPP'10 poster, PLDI'07]
Message passing support: Delta send/recv [CCGrid'12b], Multiphysics AMR [CoRR'11]
FastTrack: Suggestible program optimization [CGO'09]
Other studies [ICPP'04, PACT'04, SC'04, EuroPar'97, HICSS'96]
Related link
Reuse distance based SLO (suggestions of locality optimizations) tool by Kristof Beyls and Eric D'Hollander.
See roclocality.org (posts tagged teaching and course number) for course web pages with basic information and learn.rochester.edu for course content including announcements, handouts, and assignments.
The Loca tool for locality
measurement (reuse distance, footprint and miss ratio curve)
Conference/workshop/journal committees
ICS'19 (pc co-chair), SC'19, CGO'19, PLDI'19 (ERC), PMAM'19, ICS'18, LCPC'18, ASPLOS'18, HPCA'18 (ERC), LCPC'17, ICS'17, ISMM'17, ASPLOS'17, LCPC'16 (co-chair, photos), PACT'16, ASPLOS'16, SC'15, ICPP'15, ACM TACO 2.0 (2014-16), CDP’14 (chair), PPOPP’15 (ERC), PLDI’15 (ERC), ASPLOS’15 (ERC), CCGrid’15, PMAM’14, PACT’14, PPOPP’14, IPDPS’14, ASPLOS’14 (ERC), IPDPS’13, ICPP’12, ISMM’12, IPDPS’12, PLDI’12 (ERC), ASPLOS’12 (ERC), IPDPS’11, PPOPP’11, NPC’10 (program chair), AMP’10, PLDI’10(publicity chair), IPDPS’10, PACT’09, ICPP’08, HIPS’07(workshop chair), CC’07, HPCC’06, PACT’06, ASPLOS’06 (publication chair), WMPI’06, PLDI’05, CGO’05, PPoPP’05 (treasurer/registration chair), CDP’05, ICPP’04 (vice chair, lang./compiler cfp), CDP’04, MSP’04 (general chair, on-line proceedings), IPDPS’04, ICPP’03, PACT’02 (tutorial/workshop co-chair), MSP’02 (co-organizer)
ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Memory System Performance and Correctness (MSPC) (steering committee), 2008, 2006, 2005, 2004, and 2002 (proceedings)
URCS Seminars 06-07, 05-06, 04-05.
Annual 2-mile river run 2006 to 2010, 2005.
Program locality models and their use in memory performance optimization, September 2005, PACT'05, St. Louis MO and October 2004, ASPLOS'04, Boston MA
Chinese Choral Society of Rochester
(CCSR) Chorus, conducted by Ming-Lun Lee. Recorded
during the 2012 annual concert: Our song and Song of Rochester, David Chin conducting
My bilingual (Chinese-English) page (simplified
Chinese last updated August, 2014 , traditional Chinese