Christopher M. Brown, URCS Faculty Member
My First Robot (Freddy II at Edinburgh: 1972)
Recent Collaborators
Not So Recent Collaborator (Conspirator?)
Besides the usual local collaborators shown above,
I was pleased and proud to host
Denzler and his wife
for an extended stay
in Rochester, which saw the birth of Corinna (featured in both
pictures). Son Jonathan missed out on Americanization by virtue of
being a bit too young. Joachim produced fine (and prize-winning)
research results, referenced below.
Eileen's 40th Year at UR, 12 Oct. 2011
The Leen Tones
Graduation 2011
In Spring 2011 I heard a story at 0645 one sunday morning on
"Inside Europe" (don't ask), about certain banned Scots
football songs. They're banned at games because they incite
violence and "sectarian hatred", it seems. I felt an immediate
certainly that I'd discovered a superb department song: The
Billy Boys. Wikipedia has a little article on the song.
Even though it turned out to be (if you went to the right
summer camp) "Marching Through Georgia" (or "Hurray, Hurray,
Hurray, they're hanging father" if you went to a camp like
mine), it's a rousing combo of anthem and fight song.
The .mp4 below was ripped off of Youtube. It has since disappeared
I gather, but the video gives a flavor of the spirit I'd like to
see at the department.
Hello, Hello
Hello, Hello (We are the CS Crowd)
From al-Khwarizmi's roots we spring
A dozen centuries past,
Through Boole, Von Neumann, and Turing,
And still we're coming fast.
We've changed the world a million ways,
We're young, we're strong, we're proud--
All disciplines now sing our praise,
Cause we're the CS crowd: We are the CS crowd!
Hello! Hello! We are the CS crowd.
Hello! Hello! you'll know us cause we're loud.
Ever Better's what we got, 'til we got to be the best,
Cause we are the UR CS crowd.
repeat chorus
You physicists, you engineers,
You governmental powers,
We're lords of all your dreams and fears
You know your a** is ours.
We're everywhere, we're always there,
Empowered, well-endowed --
Without us you would be nowhere,
Cause we're the CS crowd: We are the CS crowd!
2x chorus, rpt last line.
CS Crowd Sheet Music (PDF)
The Billy Boys
Graduation 20 May 2012: The Algo-Rhythms
Piano/Guitar/Vocal: Randal Nelson
Guitar/Vocal: Ted Pawlicki
Bass/Vocal: Chris Brown
Girl Vocal: Marty Guenther
Boy Vocal: Jeff Bigham
Sound Recording: Suzanne Bell
Photography: Suzanne Bell
Times are changing, CSB, Portal Song
Hotel Compu-Science
- The CS Crowd... see previous topic. Nothing too new this time.
Recent and Ancient Publications
- Coombs, D. J. and C. M. Brown. ``Real-Time Binocular Smooth
Pursuit.'' Int'l. J. of Computer Vision 11, 2, 147-164.
- Marsh, B. et al. ``The Rochester Checkers Player: Multi-Model
Parallel Programming for Animate Vision.'' IEEE Computer 25, 2,
12-19, February 1992.
- Rimey, R. D. and C. M. Brown. ``Controlling Eye Movements with
Hidden Markov Models.'' Int'l. J. of Computer Vision 7, 1, 47-66,
November 1991.
- Rimey, R. D. and C. M. Brown. ``Control of Selective Perception
using Bayes Nets and Decision Theory.'' Int'l. J. of Computer
Vision, Special Issue on Active Vision, 1994.
- Schneider, J. G. and C. M. Brown. ``Robot Skill Learning, Basis
Functions, and Control Regimes.'' In Proc., IEEE Conf. on
Robotics and Automation, May 1993.
- Wisniewski, R. W. and C. M. Brown, ``An Argument for a Runtime
Layer in SPARTA Design." RTOSS94.
- Brown, C.M. "Learning, Development, and Vision", U.R. Computer
Science Dept. Tech Report 492.
(Compressed PostScript file, some 30 pages, many figures missing).
- Barnett, E., C. M. Brown, and C. Harman, "A Hough Transform Class
for the IUE" (Final Report) September 1997.
Download: paper
(gzipped PostScript file, 18 pages).
- R. L. Carceroni and C. M. Brown, ``Decoupling Orientation Recovery
from Position Recovery with 3D-2D Point Correspondences'', in
of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 1999 (to appear).
Download: paper
(gzipped PostScript file, 18 pages).
- H. Araújo, R. L. Carceroni and C. M. Brown,
``A Fully Projective Formulation to Improve the Accuracy of Lowe's
Pose-Estimation Algorithm'', in
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 70, No. 2,
pp. 227-238, May 1998. Download:
(gzipped PostScript file, 16 pages).
- R. L. Carceroni, C. Harman, C. K. Eveland and C. M. Brown,
``Real-Time Pose Estimation and Control for Convoying Applications'',
in D. Kriegman, G. Hager and S. Morse, editors, The Confluence of
Vision and Control, LNCIS series, No. 237, pp. 230-243,
Springer-Verlag, 1998. Download:
paper (gzipped PostScript
file, 13 pages).
- R. L. Carceroni and C. M. Brown, ``Numerical Methods for Model-Based
Pose Recovery'', TR 659, Comp. Sci. Dept., U. Rochester, Aug 1997.
Size: 90 pages, available for
as a gzipped PostScript file.
- Vallino, J. and C. M. Brown, "Haptics in Augmented Reality",
In Proceedings, IEEE Conf. on Multimedia Computing and Systems,
June 7-11 1999, Florence Italy, pp 195-200.
- Denzler, J. and C. M. Brown, "Information Theoretic Sensor Data
Selection for Active Object Recognition and State Estimation",
IEEE-TPAMI Feb 2002, Vol. 24, No. 2, 145-157.
- Denzler, J. C. M. Brown, H. Niemann "Optimal Camera Parameter
Selection for State Estimation with Applications in Object
Recognition", (prize-winner) DAGM01 305-322.
- Maurer, C.R., F. Sauer, B. Hu, B. Bascle, B. Geiger, F. Wenzel, F.
Rechhi, T. Rohlfing, C.M. Brown, R.S. Bakos, R.J. Maciunas, A.
Bani-Hashemi, "Augmented reality visualization of brain structures with
stereo and kinetic depth cues: System description and initial
evaluation with head phantom," Medical Imaging 2001:
Visualization, Display and Image-Guided Procedures; Proc. SPIE
4319, San Diego, CA, February 2001.
- Marx, S. and C.M. Brown, "Intelligent snakes: A fast algorithm for
complete contour tracking," Proc., 2000 Western NY Image
Processing Workshop, Rochester, NY, October 2000.
Brown Home
URCS Faculty