Scalable Queue-Based Spin Locks with Timeout

Pseudocode from article of the above name in PPoPP'01. Michael L. Scott and William N. Scherer III. Copyright (c) Michael L. Scott, 2001.

The CLH try-lock is derived from a version without timeout due to Craig, Landin, and Hagersten. It performs well on cache-coherent machines. Requires three words of space per lock. Requires SWAP and either CAS or LL/SC.

The MCS try-lock is derived from our earlier version without timeout, due to Mellor-Crummey and Scott. It can be expected to perform well on both cache-coherent and non-cache-coherent machines. Requires only one word of space per lock. Significantly more complicated than the CLH try-lock. Like that lock, requires SWAP and either CAS or LL/SC.

CLH queue-based spin lock with timeout

  typedef enum {waiting,      // lock is held
                available,    // lock is free
                leaving,      // node owner is giving up
                transient,    // successor is giving up
                recycled}     // no pointers to node remain
  typedef struct clh_qnode {
      volatile clh_status status;
      volatile struct clh_qnode *volatile prev;
  } clh_qnode;
  typedef volatile clh_qnode *clh_qnode_ptr;
  typedef clh_qnode_ptr clh_try_lock;
  bool clh_try_acquire(clh_try_lock *L, clh_qnode_ptr I, hrtime_t T)
      hrtime_t start;
      clh_status stat;
      I->status = waiting;
      clh_qnode_ptr pred = swap(L, I);
      // check lock once before querying timer -- optimization
      if (pred->status == available) {
          I->prev = pred;
          return true;
      start = gethrtime();       // high resolution clock
      while (gethrtime() - start < T) {
          stat = pred->status;
          if (stat == available) {
              I->prev = pred;
              return true;
          if (stat == leaving) {
              clh_qnode_ptr temp = pred->prev;
              pred->status = recycled;
              pred = temp;
          // stat might also be transient,
          // if somebody left the queue just before I entered
      // timed out
      while (1) {
          while (pred->status == transient);  // spin
          stat = swap(&pred->status, transient);
          if (stat == available) {
              I->prev = pred;
              return true;
          if (stat == leaving) {
              clh_qnode_ptr temp = pred->prev;
              pred->status = recycled;
              pred = temp;
          break;          // stat == waiting
      I->prev = pred;     // so successor can find it
      // indicate leaving, so successor can't leave
      while (1) {
          stat = compare_and_swap(&I->status, waiting, leaving);
          if (stat == waiting) break;
          while (I->status != waiting);       // spin
      // if last process in line, link self out
      if (compare_and_store(L, I, pred)) {
          pred->status = waiting;
          return false;
      // not last in line
      while (1) {
          stat = I->status;
          if (stat == recycled) {
              pred->status = waiting;
              return false;
  void clh_release(clh_qnode_ptr *I)
      clh_qnode_ptr pred = (*I)->prev;
      while (!compare_and_store(&(*I)->status, waiting, available)) {
          // can't set my node to available if it's currently transient
          while ((*I)->status == transient);  // spin
      *I = pred;

MCS queue-based spin lock with timeout

  typedef struct mcs_qnode {
      volatile struct mcs_qnode *volatile prev;
      volatile struct mcs_qnode *volatile next;
  } mcs_qnode;
  typedef volatile mcs_qnode *mcs_qnode_ptr;
  typedef mcs_qnode_ptr mcs_try_lock;
  /* We assume that all valid qnode pointers are word-aligned addresses
      (so the two low-order bits are zero) and are larger than 0x10.  We
      use low-order bits 01 to indicate restoration of a prev pointer that
      had temporarily been changed.  We also use it to indicate that a next
      pointer has been restored to nil, but the process that restored it
      has not yet fixed the global tail pointer.  We use low-order bits of
      10 to indicate that a lock has been granted (If it is granted to a
      process that had been planning to leave, the process needs to know
      who its [final] predecessor was, so it can synch up and allow that
      predecessor to return from release).  Those two bits are mutually
      exclusive, though we don't take advantage of the fact.  We use bogus
      pointer values with low-order 0 bits to indicate that a process or
      its neighbor intends to leave, or has recently done so. */
  #define nil             ((qnode_ptr) 0x0)
  #define leaving_self    ((qnode_ptr) 0x4)
  #define leaving_other   ((qnode_ptr) 0x8)
  #define gone            ((qnode_ptr) 0xc)
  #define restored_tag    ((unsigned long) 0x1)
  #define transient_tag   restored_tag
  #define granted_tag     ((unsigned long) 0x2)
  #define is_restored(p)  ((unsigned long) (p) & restored_tag)
  #define is_transient(p) is_restored(p)
  #define is_granted(p)   ((unsigned long) (p) & granted_tag)
  #define restored(p)     ((qnode_ptr)((unsigned long) (p) | restored_tag))
  #define transient(p)    restored(p)
  #define granted(p)      ((qnode_ptr)((unsigned long) (p) | granted_tag))
  #define cleaned(p)      ((qnode_ptr)(((unsigned long) (p)) & ~0x3))
  #define is_real(p)      (!is_granted(p) && ((unsigned long) (p) > 0x10))
  /* prev pointer has changed from pred to temp, and we know temp is
      a real (though possibly restored) pointer.  If temp represents a
      new predecessor, update pred to point to it, clear restored flag, if
      any on prev pointer, and set next field of new predecessor (if not
      restored) to point to me.  In effect, RELINK is step 6.
  #define RELINK                                                      \
          do {                                                        \
              if (is_restored(temp)) {                                \
                  (void) compare_and_swap(&I->prev,                   \
                          temp, cleaned(temp));                       \
                      /* remove tag bit from pointer, if it hasn't    \
                          been changed to something else */           \
                  temp = cleaned(temp);                               \
              } else {                                                \
                  pred = temp;                                        \
                  temp = swap(&pred->next, I);                        \
                  if (temp == leaving_self) {                         \
                      /* Wait for precedessor to notice I've set its  \
                          next pointer and move on to step 2          \
                          (or, if I'm slow, step 5). */               \
                      do {                                            \
                          temp = I->prev;                             \
                      } while (temp == pred);                         \
                      continue;                                       \
                  }                                                   \
              }                                                       \
              break;                                                  \
          } while (is_real(temp));
  bool mcs_try_acquire(mcs_try_lock *L, qnode_ptr I, hrtime_t T) {
      qnode_ptr pred;
      qnode_ptr succ;
      qnode_ptr temp;
      hrtime_t start = gethrtime();       // high resolution clock
      I->next = nil;
      pred = swap(L, I);
      if (pred == nil) {                  // lock was free
          return true;
      // else queue was non-empty
      I->prev = transient(nil);           // word on which to spin
      // Make predecessor point to me, but preserve transient tag if set.
      do {
          temp = pred->next;
      } while (!compare_and_store(&pred->next, temp, 
          (is_transient(temp) ? transient(I) : I)));
      /* Old value (temp) can't be granted, because predecessor sets that
          only via CAS from a legitimate pointer value.  Might be nil
          (possibly transient) or leaving_self, though. */
      if (is_transient(temp)) {
          while (I->prev == transient(nil));  // spin
              /* Wait for process that used to occupy my slot in the queue
                  to clear the transient tag on our (common) predecessor's
                  next pointer.  The predecessor needs this cleared so it
                  knows when it's safe to return and deallocate its qnode.
                  I need to know in case I ever time out and try to leave:
                  the previous setting has to clear before I can safely
                  set it again. */
          /* Store pred for future reference, if predecessor has not
              modified my prev pointer already. */
          (void) compare_and_swap(&I->prev, nil, pred);
      } else if (temp == leaving_self) {
          /* I've probably got the wrong predecessor.
              Must wait to learn id of real one, *without timing out*. */
          do {
              temp = I->prev;
          } while (temp == transient(nil));
          if (is_real(temp)) {
      } else {
          /* Store pred for future reference, if predecessor has not
              modified my prev pointer already. */
          (void) compare_and_swap(&I->prev, transient(nil), pred);
      while (1) {
          do {
              if (gethrtime() - start > T) {
                  goto timeout;       // 2-level break
              temp = I->prev;
          } while (temp == pred);     // spin
          if (is_granted(temp)) {     // this test is an optimization
          if (temp == leaving_other) {
              // Predecessor is leaving;
              // wait for identity of new predecessor.
              do {
                  temp = I->prev;
              } while (temp == leaving_other);
          if (is_granted(temp)) {
      // Handshake with predecessor.
      pred = cleaned(temp);
      pred->next = nil;
      return true;
      timeout:    // Timeout has expired; try to leave.
      /* Step 1: Atomically identify successor (if any)
          and indicate intent to leave. */
      while (1) {
          do {
              do {
                  succ = I->next;
              } while (is_transient(succ));
          } while (!compare_and_store(&I->next, succ, leaving_self));
              // don't replace a transient value
          if (succ == gone) {
              succ = nil;
          if (succ == nil) {
              /* No visible successor; we'll end up skipping steps 2 and
                  doing an alternative step 6. */
          if (succ == leaving_other) {
              // Wait for new successor to complete step 6.
              do {
                  temp = I->next;
              } while (temp == leaving_self);
      /* Step 2: Tell successor I'm leaving.
          This takes precedence over successor's desire to leave. */
      if (succ != nil) {
          temp = swap(&succ->prev, leaving_other);
          if (temp == leaving_self) {
              /* Successor is also trying to leave, and beat me to the
                  punch.  Must wait until it tries to modify my next
                  pointer, at which point it will know I'm leaving, and
                  will wait for me to finish. */
              do {
                  temp = I->next;
              } while (temp != succ);
                  /* I'm waiting here for my successor to fail step 4.
                      Once it realizes I got here first, it will change my
                      next pointer to point back to its own qnode. */
      /* Step 3: Atomically identify predecessor
          and indicate intent to leave. */
      while (1) {
          qnode_ptr n;
          temp = swap(&I->prev, leaving_self);
          if (is_granted(temp)) {
              goto serendipity;
          if (temp == leaving_other) {
              // Predecessor is also trying to leave; it takes precedence.
              do {
                  temp = I->prev;
              } while (temp == leaving_self || temp == leaving_other);
              if (is_granted(temp)) {
                  /* I must have been asleep for a while.  Predecessor won
                      the race, then experienced serendipity itself, restored
                      my prev pointer, finished its critical section, and
                      released. */
                  goto serendipity;
          if (temp != pred) {
              /* I'm about the change pred->next to leaving_other or
                  transient(nil), so why set it to I first?  Because other-
                  wise there is a race.  I need to avoid the possibility
                  that my (new) predecessor will swap leaving_self into its
                  next field, see leaving_other (left over from its old
                  successor), and assume I won the race, after which I come
                  along, swap leaving_other in, get leaving_self back, and
                  assume my predecessor won the race. */
          // Step 4: Tell predecessor I'm leaving.
          if (succ == nil) {
              n = swap(&pred->next, transient(nil));
          } else {
              n = swap(&pred->next, leaving_other);
          if (is_granted(n)) {
              // Predecessor is passing me the lock; wait for it to do so.
              do {
                  temp = I->prev;
              } while (temp == leaving_self);
              goto serendipity;
          if (n == leaving_self) {
              /* Predecessor is also trying to leave.  I got to step 3
                  before it got to step 2, but it got to step 1 before
                  I got to step 4.  It will wait in Step 2 for me to
                  acknowledge that my step 4 has failed. */
              pred->next = I;
              // Wait for new predecessor
              // (completion of old predecessor's step 5)
              do {
                  temp = I->prev;
              } while (temp == leaving_self /* what I set */
                  || temp == leaving_other /* what pred will set in step 2 */ );
              if (is_granted(temp)) {
                  goto serendipity;
      if (succ == nil) {
          // Step 5: Try to fix global pointer.
          if (compare_and_store(L, I, pred)) {
              // Step 6: Try to clear transient tag.
              temp = compare_and_swap(&pred->next, transient(nil), gone);
              if (temp != transient(nil)) {
                  pred->next = cleaned(temp);
                  /* New successor got into the timing window, and is now
                      waiting for me to signal it. */
                  temp = cleaned(temp);
                  (void) compare_and_swap(&temp->prev, transient(nil), nil);
          } else {
              /* Somebody has gotten into line.  It will discover that
                  I'm leaving and wait for me to tell it who the real
                  predecessor is (see pre-timeout loop above). */
              do {
                  succ = I->next;
              } while (succ == leaving_self);
              pred->next = leaving_other;
              succ->prev = pred;
      } else {
          // Step 5: Tell successor its new predecessor.
          succ->prev = pred;
      // Step 6: Count on successor to introduce itself to predecessor.
      return false;
  serendipity:    // I got the lock after all;
      // temp contains a granted value read from my prev pointer.
      // Handshake with predecessor:
      pred = cleaned(temp);
      pred->next = nil;
      if (succ == nil) {
          // I don't think I have a successor.  Try to undo step 1.
          if ((temp = compare_and_swap(&I->next, leaving_self, succ))
                  != leaving_self) {
              /* I have a successor after all.  It will be waiting for me
                  to tell it who its real predecessor is.  Since it's me
                  after all, I have to tag the value so successor will
                  notice change. */
              // Undo step 2:
              temp->prev = restored(I);
      } else {
          /* I have a successor, which may or may not have been trying
              to leave.  In either case, I->next is now correct. */
          // Undo step 1:
          I->next = succ;
          // Undo step 2:
          succ->prev = restored(I);
      return true;
  void mcs_release(mcs_try_lock *L, qnode_ptr I) {
      qnode_ptr succ;
      qnode_ptr temp;
      while (1) {
          succ = I->next;
          if (succ == leaving_other || is_transient(succ)) {
              // successor is leaving, but will update me.
          if (succ == gone) {
              if (compare_and_store(&I->next, gone, nil)) {
                  succ = nil;
              } else {
          if (succ == nil) {
              // Try to fix global pointer.
              if (compare_and_store(L, I, nil)) {
                  /* Make sure anybody who happened to sneak in and leave
                      again has finished looking at my qnode. */
                  do {
                      temp = I->next;
                  } while (is_transient(temp));
                  return;     // I was last in line.
              do {
                  temp = I->next;
              } while (temp == nil);
          if (compare_and_store(&I->next, succ, granted(nil))) {
              /* I have atomically identified my successor and
                  indicated that I'm releasing; now tell successor it
                  has the lock. */
              temp = swap(&succ->prev, granted(I));
              /* Handshake with successor to make sure it won't try to
                  access my qnode any more (might have been leaving). */
              do {
                  temp = I->next;
              } while (temp != nil);
          /* Else successor changed.  Continue loop.  Note that every
              iteration sees a different (real) successor, so there isn't
              really a global spin */

Last Change: 16 May 2001 / Michael Scott's email address