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The spring 2016 release includes 49,255 ROCStories and 3,744 Story Cloze Test instances.
The next release will be in Winter 2017.
'Story Cloze Test' is a new framework for evaluating story understanding, story generation, and script learning. This test requires a system to choose the correct ending to a four-sentence story. We propose the Story Cloze Test to replace the state-of-the-art for evaluating narrative structure learning, the 'Narrative Cloze Test' (Chambers & Jurafsky, 2008).
To enable the Story Cloze Test, we created a new corpus of five-sentence commonsense stories, 'ROCStories'. This corpus is unique in two ways: (1) it captures a rich set of causal and temporal commonsense relations between daily events, and (2) it is a high quality collection of everyday life stories that can also be used for story generation.