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File: index.shtml
Creator: Ted Pawlicki, George Ferguson
Created: Tue Dec 6 12:26:50 2011
Time-stamp: Sorry. The page that you requested does not exist on the Department of Computer Science web site. The course is a hands on introduction to computer programming using the JAVASCRIPT computer language in the context of web pages. You will learning to program a computer by writing web pages that include computer programs. Topics covered will include Web 2.0 concepts, web browser basics, XHTML, CSS, Javascript, computer systems architecture, etc.
Edie Hanson
< ehanson at rochester dot edu >
This book and previous editions are on reserve in Carlson Library.
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File: doc-finish.shtml
Creator: George Ferguson
Created: Tue Dec 6 13:46:48 2011
Last update: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2012 16:16:32 EST
Page does not exist.
Missing Page
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Fall 2011
Mondays & Wednesdays, 4:50pm - 6:05pm, Gavett 244
Ted Pawlicki
<pawlicki at cs dot rochester dot edu>
Teaching Assistants
Anna Lypanof
< annal at cs dot rochester dot edu >
Internet & World Wide Web How to Program, 4/e
Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel
© 2008, (0-13-175242-1)
The course will cover most of the material in most of Chapters 1
through 12 of the Deitel text. Evaluation will be based on
completion of lab assignments.